Welcoming Ukrainian medical schools and their students to Capsule
Ukrainian medical schools and their medical students are being provided complementary access to the case-based online medical learning resource, Capsule.
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, medical schools across the country have been working tirelessly to maintain high-quality education for their medical students in an extremely challenging situation.
It’s vital to support these students in continuing their medical studies and prepare for the rebuilding of health services in Ukraine.
To help Ukrainian medical schools and medical students in any way we can, we have provided complementary access to Capsule's clinical case-based learning resource to allow remote teaching and self-learning of our catalogue of medical cases and scenarios.
“It is really important during these difficult times that the medical community around the world does all that they can to support the ongoing provision of medical education in Ukraine. We are pleased to be able to provide free and unrestricted access to Capsule to all undergraduate medical students at Ukrainian medical schools.”
Over 250 Ukrainian medical students have already joined Capsule this month and we are expecting many more in the coming weeks.
We aim to help these students receive realistic medical experience through our scenarios, and we are working with universities across the country to make this happen.
Ukrainian medical schools yet to provide access to their students and faculty can contact us today to receive full access to Capsule at no charge.
If you’re a medical student in Ukraine, please contact your medical school to arrange access.
What is Capsule?
Capsule is a clinical case-based learning resource which combines trusted clinical cases, medical scenarios and analytics to drive medical knowledge across the entire curriculum.
These 700+ realistic scenarios let medical students improve their decision-making with instant feedback to gain the skills to apply and use on the ward.
As all medical cases are written and edited by senior medical educators and clinicians, Capsule provides students with trusted, reliable learning content.
For a 3 minute introduction to Capsule, please watch our video.
How to access and use Capsule for free
For medical students
Capsule is available to Ukrainian medical students through iOS, Android and the web. Invitations are sent via email once your medical school provides your information to Capsule.
Content in Capsule is grouped by case specialities, so you can focus on the areas important to you and your current study needs.
Capsule lets you sync your learning for offline use helping you to study through intermittent or no internet connection.
For each medical scenario, Capsule provides extensive feedback and scores on all your cases so you can quickly identify and target your weaker areas to improve your performance. Monitor how you are performing across all specialties with real-time progress tracking.
Capsule also provides you with a personalised dashboard, allowing you to track your performance and progress over time.
For faculty
Faculty can login to Capsule to create quizzes of relevant cases for students, see student progress to highlight areas in need of support, and use Presenter Mode to go through cases and scenarios via web conferencing.
Learn more in the Capsule Help Centre.
Ongoing support
Thank you to all current Capsule members across the world — without your support we would not be able to offer free access across Ukraine.
We are proud of the medical schools and students of Ukraine in their efforts to maintain high-quality medical education and hope that we will help Ukrainian medical schools and their students to continue their excellent work in the future.
A special thanks to Dr Paul Wilkinson at University of Cambridge, Dr. Anzhela Stashchak, and the Medical Schools Council for supporting this rollout and their wider efforts across Ukraine.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contact us at support@capsule.ac.uk.
Capsule is a unique case-based learning resource comprising over 700 clinical scenarios for students to test their investigation, diagnosis and management skills. All of the 3,700 questions have feedback to maximise the learning opportunity and are aligned to the national Medical Licensing Assessment. Capsule is created by Brighton & Sussex Medical School and Ocasta.